
The last blog :(

Hello everyone, today in the last post I am going to write about my experience with the blogs I wrote this semester. Well, one of my favorite themes it was the second that it was about something I feel passionate because for me was an opportunity to express something that I felt and I never wrote about it before. On that occasion, I published something about the movies and some experiences. Moreover, my least favorite blog I think it was the first one because I didn´t have the experience of writing a blog so in some moments I didn´t know what to write about, also it was after the vacations and I didn´t have the motivation because I think it was too short haha. A blog I enjoyed to read it was one about Æon Flux by my classmate Aron. That post is very cool because gives the information about an MTV series that I used to watch too but I didn´t know the name, also the post is kind of encrypted because you have to select the text if you want to read it, but I think it’s a mistake of the pa

My next vacations

Hello everyone, for the free topic of today, I am going to talk about my next vacations. Well everyone knows we have classes until January, but we still have a few vacations to enjoy. I think January is going to be calm for me, I would like to spend time with my friends here in Santiago and play some videogames without responsibilities, but in February, I am going to go travel with my family to the south of Chile, specifically in Calafquen Lake in Lican Ray. We always go there because my mom has a friend there and she has a cabin where we can stay. That place is so quiet and beautiful, is next to the lake and there a lot of vegetation and animals like goats and chickens. Also that month is very hot so I always go to the lake to swim in different parts of the day. With my family we visit near villages and we always try to find some new places that we didn´t know it exist. However, I have to say that every year the people increase and the place is not as calm as before and I don´t like i

A sport

Hello every one! Today I’m going to talk about a sport that I do in my free time. The tennis is one of my favorite sports to play and watch, together the football, and I play it since I was 8 years old. When I was a kid I always like to watch tennis matches on the TV, and with my neighborhoods we played on the street, but when I turn 8 years old my parents enrolled me in a tennis school near my house. There I learn to play in a big court, and also all the rules, even I played metropolitan tournaments. But when I grow up I stop playing so much because I start to play more football. This year I’m trying to restart this sport because I must admit that I didn´t do too much physical activity last year and I’m want to change that. For that reason I started to play the weekends with a friend from school who has tennis courts near his house in the commune of Macul. I’m not so good like my early years but I think with practice I’m going to play better, also my physical resistance is improvi

A friend :D

Hello, today I am going to talk about my best friend. His name is Daniel and I met him in high school. He is from Canada and move to Chile in 2010 with his mom and siblings. He was born in Toronto but he lives the most part of his life in Alberta. The reason that he moves to Chile is because his mom is from here, and she decided to come back. I remember the first day of school when we met, he could barely speak Spanish so with my classmates had the objective to teach him the basic words and some bad words too. At school, we spent a lot of time together also with another friend called Simon; we had lunch at his house every day because he lived near the school. With Daniel, we become very close friends for many reasons, one of those things are that we like the same kind of music, comics and sense of humor, because I always liked English stuffs that he also knows when he was in Canada. Also my family is very close to his family too, our mothers meet sometimes like us. When we left s

Curious building

Hello everyone, instead of talking about a single house I would like to talk about a group of houses with a unique style that gives an identity to a neighborhood, that is Yungay in the commune of Quinta Normal. The first time I see this type of old houses was when I was a child, in that time I like a lot the streets, the houses and the daily life of the neighborhood. Now that I´m studying architecture I had the opportunity to visit again the place, with another vision and knowledge. One of the things that caught my attention was the mixture of architecture because there houses with a style from the IXX century to these days. The houses characterized by having a continuous façade that mostly does not pass the two floors and have a small space for the pedestrians because long time ago the cars didn´t exist. Like I said before is the mixture of periods that gives the identity to this place, is not only in the architecture but also in the culture and the people, that is I like the most

Another expression

Hello! Today I´m going to talk about something that I’m learning right now and I like to learn more every year, this is the use of digital programs that I can use to express in a better way my ideas and sketches related with the architecture, for example programs like Photoshop, illustrator, AutoCAD and rhino. The way I am learning this support tools, is watching some videos in the internet, like tutorials or people who upload their works, also in the university when I had a few basic classes where the teachers explain the use of each program and answer the questions that we have. Another way, and in my opinion is the best method to learn, is doing works with my classmates because learning in group gives the possibility to resolve problems in easy way, for example a person knows how to do some things that another didn´t know and backwards. I think this is not easy at first; it is like learning a new language, because each program have their own functioning, but when you know the ba

Passionate about movies

  One of the things that passionate me the most is watching movies because I think that it’s a way to learn a lot of new things and enjoying at the same time, also it is a way of cultural expression. It all started, when I was young and had a lot of time, I watch many movies with my family, and it was kind of a tradition. My father downloaded the movies and we reunited in his room, I remember one of the first movies we saw was It is a wonderful life and then we watch many categories. However, the reason that I like to watch movies it is more about the learning because, in my opinion, it is a way to know many new topics that perhaps in the future a person can be passionate. Also, I think the architecture and the movies have a lot of common because joins many areas like art and mathematics, for example in a movie that is about a mathematician or talks about this subject, like  “The Imitation Game ” or  “ The Theory Of Everything ”,  it Is necessary to express it through art as is the re