A friend :D

Hello, today I am going to talk about my best friend. His name is Daniel and I met him in high school. He is from Canada and move to Chile in 2010 with his mom and siblings. He was born in Toronto but he lives the most part of his life in Alberta. The reason that he moves to Chile is because his mom is from here, and she decided to come back. I remember the first day of school when we met, he could barely speak Spanish so with my classmates had the objective to teach him the basic words and some bad words too. At school, we spent a lot of time together also with another friend called Simon; we had lunch at his house every day because he lived near the school. With Daniel, we become very close friends for many reasons, one of those things are that we like the same kind of music, comics and sense of humor, because I always liked English stuffs that he also knows when he was in Canada. Also my family is very close to his family too, our mothers meet sometimes like us. When we left school, we didn´t lose contact, he started to study audiovisual at Duoc uc, but he didn´t like it so he left the career. Now he want to study cinematography, but here in Chile is difficult because there are not too much opportunities. For that reason, he want to move to Toronto, because there the cinema industry is very important. I think he is going to travel in January, so we have this time to hang out before we don´t see each other for a long time.


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