Passionate about movies

 One of the things that passionate me the most is watching movies because I think that it’s a way to learn a lot of new things and enjoying at the same time, also it is a way of cultural expression. It all started, when I was young and had a lot of time, I watch many movies with my family, and it was kind of a tradition. My father downloaded the movies and we reunited in his room, I remember one of the first movies we saw was It is a wonderful life and then we watch many categories. However, the reason that I like to watch movies it is more about the learning because, in my opinion, it is a way to know many new topics that perhaps in the future a person can be passionate. Also, I think the architecture and the movies have a lot of common because joins many areas like art and mathematics, for example in a movie that is about a mathematician or talks about this subject, like “The Imitation Game” or The Theory Of Everything”, it Is necessary to express it through art as is the recording and editing of the movie. For that reason, I think I'm passionate about this because of the mix of different topics, maybe thats's why I like architecture too.


  1. i like these movies too, they make you think very deep and interesting things


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